Wisdom and Inspiration from “The Big Five OH!” SCBWI Summer Conference, part 1

Not blogging the conference was really tough, but I still collected a bunch of helpful quotes and moments in my journal. Here are a few:

Malinda Lo’s helpful question when revising: “What emotional impact do I want readers to have when reading my book?” (And apply to each scene.)

Leah Henderson’s advice on writing – “Get emotional. If you don’t feel, neither will your reader.” And also, “Adjust emotional volume accordingly.”

Tiffany D. Jackson on the difference between story and plot: “A story is a series of events recorded in their chronological order. A plot is a series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance.”

Christina Soontornvat’s advice on writing – especially when writing nonfiction: “Every life is a high stakes life… don’t neglect internal stakes.”

Allyn Johnston on writing picture books – “You’re writing a theater script.”

Alex Borballa, Editor at Atheneum, advice to writers during the “How To Get Me To Say Yes to Your Manuscript” Editors Panel:  “Ultimately, you have to say yes, too.”

A question Kandace Coston, associate editor at Lee & Low Books, asks when considering a submitted project: “How will adding your project balance (or unbalance” my list?”

Daniel Nayeri’s advice to each of us to keep going in our creative journey: “The road is made by walking on it.”

Grateful for the creative focus and community,


My New Book!

Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow
Cover of Lee Wind's "No Way, They Were Gay?" featuring Mahatma Gandhi, We Wha, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln with a swirling diversity pride rainbow

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